Cookies Policy

The Cookie Monster from Sesame Street enjoys gobbling down cookies “Om Nom Nom Nom”. The cookies though on this site are something completely different!

General information on Cookies
The majority of websites you visit will use some form of cookies in order to track you and improve your user experience. This might be for the duration of your visit (by using what’s called a ‘session cookie’) or for repeat visits (by using a ‘persistent cookie’). Cookies are little bits of code that are placed on your computer. If you want to know more about cookies, or how to control or delete them, then we recommend you visit for detailed guidance.

What cookies does this site use?
The information below describes the cookies we use on the IsleCreative website and what we use them for. Currently, we use a opt-in / opt-out consent method which means that we provide a cookie consent notice when arriving at the website with the option to amend your settings or accepting the default.

If you are not happy with our consent method then you should either not use this site, update your settings or you should delete our cookies having visited the site, or you should browse the site using your browser’s anonymous usage setting (called “Incognito” in Chrome, “InPrivate” for Internet Explorer, “Private Browsing” in Firefox and Safari etc.)

Session Cookies
We use session cookies to remember you as you navigate around our website. These we deem strictly necessary to the working of the website. If these are disabled then the website may not function correctly. An example of one of our session cookie names is CMSSESSID4fe64289.

More information on session cookies and what they are used for can be found here:

Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to understand how the site is being used (eg. What pages visitors go to most often) in order to improve the user experience. User data is aggregated and completely anonymous. Examples of these cookie name are __utma, __utmc, __utmv, __utmz.

Read Google’s position on privacy as it details its Google Analytics service here :

Other analytic cookies used are: LinkedIn Insights, Facebook Pixels, Hubspot and Microsoft Clarity.

Managing Cookies
You can manage you cookie settings for this website at any time by visiting cookie settings.



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